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Pesquisas, Saúde e Segurança
ABRAMET - Associação Brasileira de Medicina de Tráfego
Instituto de Engenharia - Fatores relacionados com os acidentes de motocicletas na cidade de São Paulo
Internacionais - Pesquisas, Saúde e Segurança
Bicycle Safe: How to Not Get Hit by Cars - Important lessons on Bicycle Safety
Institut canadien de la recherche sur la condicion physique et le mode de vie -2012 Series- Pedal Power et les bienfaits du vélo
Science of Cycling - The Science of Cycling is the second in a series of three planned sports science resources. These sites focus on the science behind popular spectator and recreational sports.
UNSD - United Nations Statistics Division - The Statistics Division is committed to the advancement of the global statistical system. We compile and disseminate global statistical information, develop standards and norms for statistical activities, and support countries’ efforts to strengthen their national statistical systems. We facilitate the coordination of international statistical activities and support the functioning of UN Statistical Commission as apex entity of the global statistical system.
Victoria Transport Policy Institute - The Victoria Transport Policy Institute is an independent research organization dedicated to developing innovative and practical solutions to transportation problems.
WWF Gruppo Attivo Roma XI - In Bici a Roma - Tecniche per muoverse in città limitando i rischi
Cicloturismo e Passeios
Caminho da Fé - São aproximadamente 400 kilometros atravessando a Serra da Mantiqueira por estradas vicinais de terra, trilhas, bosques, pastagens e asfalto.
Clube de Cicloturismo - O objetivo do Clube é difundir e incentivar a prática de se viajar de bicicleta.
Mountain Bike BH - O Mountain Bike BH é um grupo formado por ciclistas amadores, de idades e profissões variadas. "O que nos une é paixão pela bicicleta, pela natureza, pela aventura, pela solidariedade e por superar desafios..."
Passeios em São Paulo - Na noite de São Paulo há vários grupos que saem para pedalar.
Saia na Noite - Mulheres de Bicicleta - A Equipe Saia na Noite foi criada em 1992 por um pequeno grupo de mulheres que já pedalavam e sentiam necessidade de abrir um espaço exclusivamente feminino no mundo das bicicletas.
Internacionais - Cicloturismo e Passeios
Club des villes et territoires cyclables - Un réseau d’acteurs pour le développement de l’usage du vélo et de la mobilité durable
Cycling, Walking or Mountain Biking Tours - Discover the best of France...
London Cicling Campaign - Cycle route maps for London
Saddle Skedaddle - We’re passionate about pedallin’ and there is no better way to soak up a country, its culture, see its wildlife and its people, than by bike! Whether you’re travelling in our small guided parties of around 6 – 15 people or riding self-guided with friends, our hand picked destinations and a flexible approach ensure you’ll have a wonderful holiday!
The Apple Cider Century - The Apple Cider Century (ACC) is an annual one-day 15, 25, 37, 50, 62, 75 or 100 mile bicycle tour of the orchards, forests and wine country in and around Three Oaks, Michigan
Vélo Quebec - For 40 years, Vélo Québec, a non-profit organization, has been a prominent part of the cycling landscape in Québec. Our organization has continuously encouraged the use of the bicycle, whether for tourism purposes or as a means of clean and active transportation, so as to improve the environment and the health and well-being of citizens.
Revistas e Serviços
Bike Magazine
Clube dos Amigos da Bike
Férias Vivas - A Associação Férias Vivas é uma instituição que luta para minimizar a ocorrência de acidentes no turismo e lazer. - O seu site de mountain biking
Internacionais - Revistas e Serviços
Bicycle Science, Engineering & Technology
Bicycling Magazine
Bike Radar - UK
BYPAD - Bycicle Policy Audit
CPF Cycling Promotion Fund
JulMTB - Les photos de composants sur balance
Safe Routes to Schools - Marin County Bicycle Coalition
Teaching Kids to Ride - by Sheldon "Two Wheeler" Brown
Vélo'v - Grand Lyon - Communauté Urbaine
Leis, Políticas Nacionais, Ministérios, Consumidor e Cidadania
CTB - Código de Trânsito Brasileiro
IDEC - Instituto de Defesa do Consumidor
Ministério da saúde
Ministério do desenvolvimento regional
Ministério da infraestrutura
Ministério público da união
Ministério público do estado de São Paulo
ABRACICLO - Associação Brasileira dos Fabricantes de Motocicletas, Ciclomotores, Motonetas, Bicicletas e Similares.
ABNT - Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas
ANTP - Associação Nacional de Transportes Públicos
ABRADIBI - Associação Brasileira dos Fabricantes, Distribuidores, Exportadores e Importadores de Bicicletas, Peças e Acessórios
Sites interessantes
Thomas, Coon, Newton & Frost - Bicycle injury law
BIKE! BIKE! - an international, annual gathering organized by and for community bicycle projects
Brano Meres - Engineering & Design - BME Design is a research based company from Bratislava, Slovakia (EU) - The design of Copenhagen as a bicycle friendly city
Planeta Q.I. - Ambiente, Desenvolvimento Sustentado & Aventura
Recycle a Bicycle - Recycle-a-Bicycle is an innovative, fun youth training and environmental education initiative that has taken root in New York City public schools and respected after-school youth programs.
World Bike - an international network of bicycle designers and industry